
March 25: What is worth watching

24 March 2014

Except for the competition screenings, the detailed information on which you can find on our web-site, Docudays UA offers numerous non-competition events. We remind you that the festival takes place in three locations: Cinema House, Kinopanorama cinema, and Kyiv cinema. Entrance is free.


Briefly about the most interesting.



Everyday Rebellion, dir. Arman & Arash Riahi, Austria-Switzerland, 2013, 110'

What does the Occupy movement have in common with the Spanish Indignados? Is there a connection between the Iranian democracy movement and the Ukrainian topless activists of FEMEN? The reasons for the various uprisings may be diverse, but in their creative nonviolent tactics they are strongly connected.
Q&A with director 

Cinema House. Blue Hall. 5 pm



From Iran, A Separation, dirs. Azadeh Mousavi, Kourosh Ataei, Iran, 2013, 52’

The Iranians follow the Academy Award ceremony where America bestowing the highest prize upon their compatriot Asghar Farhadi for The Separation of Nader from Simin. Simultaneously the US imposes embargo sanctions upon Iran.
Q&A with directors 

Kinopanorama. The Big Hall. 7 pm.



Sickfuckpeople, dir. Juri Rechinsky, Ukraine-Austria, 2013, 75' 

A documental triptych about a group of hobos who have survived drug addiction, grown up and started living adult lives. It’s a story about a boy who is facing the surreal, degenerate society of his native village, full of hatred and sadistic anger, while searching for his mother. It’s a story about a pregnant girl who wants to give birth to a child whose childhood probably will be even worse than the mother’s. But she is forced by her own sisters to have an abortion. Heart of Sarajevo Award at the 2013 Sarajevo IFF.

Q&A with director

Cinema House. Blue Hall. 7:30 pm.



A World Not Ours, dir. Mahdi Fleifel, 2013, 93’ 

An intimate, fierce, often humorous portrait of three generations of exile in the refugee camp of Ain el-Helweh, in southern Lebanon, filmed over more than 20 years by multiple generations of the same family.

Q&A with director

Kinopanorama. The Big Hall. 9 pm.



Igrushki, dir. Lina Luzyte, Lithuania, 2012, 59'

Waht kind of mutations humans undergo under police-state conditions? Most of the residents of Zhlobin in Belarus survive solely by making and selling soft toys, while their only customers are the people passing through on trains.
Q&A with program director  

Cinema House. Blue Hall. 9:30 pm


DOCU/CLASS Workshops:

Simone Baumann’s master classProducing political films: Motivations and risks, and the specifics of working in Eastern Europe 

Simultaneous interpreting  

Kinopanorama. The Small Hall. 12 pm.


Master class by Oleksandr Techynskyi, Oleksiy Solodunov, and Dmytro Stoykov: Close Combat Documentary 

Simultaneous interpreting  

Oleksandr Techynskyi, Oleksiy Solodunov and Dmytro Stoikov are photojournalists having in sum over 30 years of work experience. They worked as staff press photographers for leading Ukrainian periodicals and contributed to numerous world-famous newspapers and magazines. However, having been using universal photo/video cameras, now they tend to choose the video mode. A year ago Oleksandr Techynskyi’s debut documentary Sirs and Seniors premiered at Docudays UA.


Oleksandr, Oleksiy and Dmytro were actively filming the events of Euromaidan. Over ten shorts films on this topic (3 to 6 minutes) were published on the website of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The striking film about bloody events of February 18th published on LiveLeaks on its first day had 100 000 views and provoked a burst of comments from all over the world. In the future, all video materials will be edited as a full-length documentary.


During the workshop, the guys will speak about their way from photojournalism to video reports to documentary filmmaking. While watching the short films about Euromaidan, you will see how photojournalistic experience influences video shooting and will have a chance to reflect on the features that differentiate the speakers’ work.

Kinopanorama. The Small Hall. 2 pm.

 31 — 9 
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