The Earth Is Blue as an Orange (Земля блакитна, ніби апельсин)

Production Status
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Lithuania, Ukraine
Russian, Ukrainian
Web Page

To cope with the daily trauma of living in a war-zone, Anna and her children make a film together about their life in the most surreal surroundings.

The Earth Is Blue as an Orange is based on the observation of the family living in a small city in the ‘red zone’ of Donbas, one of the most severely damaged by shelling. 2014–15 were very difficult for this family. They slept in the cellar of their house every night. The house of their closest neighbours was destroyed by a mine. The children’s school was ruined too. Despite all these circumstances, the protagonists remain positive and even try to shoot films about the war by themselves. The war in Ukraine still goes on, but so does life

Directing: Iryna Tsilyk
DOP: Slava Tsvetkov
Sound: Jonas Maksvytis
Total budget: €215 000
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian State Film Agency, Lithuanian Film Centre, IDFA Berta Fund (Netherlands)
Point of contact:
Directing Award in the "World Cinema Documentary” category, Sundance Film Festival, 2020.
Best film of the National and International Competition, Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, 2020.
East Doc Market 2019.

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