Multimedia documentary project consisting of a series of short stories linked by animated memory episodes and directed by 15 young filmmakers from the 15 republics previously annexed into USSR. The Soviet Union – largest country in the world, collapsed 20 years ago. The 15 republics – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation become young independent countries.
15 young by young is 15 short documentary films made by young local filmmakers that will let us experience the present-day life of young people in the 15 countries. Each of the directors belongs to a unique generation born in the Soviet Union but grown up in 15 young countries. Each director has freedom to choose character, story, what also reflects important young generation issues of their country today.
8 films from the whole Film almanac will be screened at Docudays UA: