Sönke Kirchhof. Hints and tips for VR documentaries: a mixture of case studies from last 5 years

Documentaries have been a strong genre for 360° videos and VR films since the new wave of hardware entered the market about five years ago. Since then, a lot of filmmakers have moved into this genre, as it helps to tell a story in a much more immersive way than is possible in a 16:9 image. It opens up distribution possibilities on platforms that didn’t exist a few years ago, and offers the chance of reaching a completely different audience than through private or public broadcasts.
What are the lessons learned during last year’s work in that field? What are the obstacles, and what feels much easier to achieve compared to the classic approaches for cinema or TV? In this workshop Sönke wants to give an overview of creative aspects, business backgrounds for distribution, and technical recommendations for future projects, based on the various projects have produced and worked on in recent years on nearly every continent in the world.

Sönke Kirchhof is CEO of INVR.SPACE GmbH and reallifefilm international GmbH, where he works as a producer, director, stereographer and consultant. He is also a sought-after instructor for workshops and lectures at universities and private academies. Sönke studied political science (University of Hamburg) and film and TV production at the Film University at Babelsberg, where he gained his diploma with distinction in immersive media & stereoscopic 3D. In this millennium, he has worked on several hundred different projects for cinema, TV, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), as well as streaming to mobile and IP based devices.

 31 — 9 
June 2024