DakhaBrakha: On the Road (ДахаБраха. Шлях)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Czech Republik, Ukraine
English, Ukrainian
Web Page

In a world where manufactured pop dominates the musical landscape, one Ukrainian band finds international success by singing their grandmothers’ folk songs.

DakhaBrakha: On the Road is a portrait of the band whose contribution to the popularization of Ukrainian culture is hard to overestimate. The four musicians pack venues and music festivals around the world with their modern interpretations of folk songs in synergy with blues and soul influences, giving new life to ancient sounds and weaving Ukrainian themes into the galaxy of ethnomusic. This is a story about unexpected twists of fate and events on the fifteen-year journey to world fame for DakhaBrakha’s musicians Marko Halanevych, Iryna Kovalenko, Olena Tsybulska and Nina Garenetska. The film also searches for an answer to the eternal question of creative people: "Am I on my way?"

Directing: Anna Korzh
Сo-production: Nataliia Korzh, Nataliia Korzh
Script: Anna Korzh
DOP: Denis Melnyk
Sound: Andrii Nidzelskyi
Music: DahaBraha
Animation: Hanna Strizh
Co-production: Machu Pictures s.r.o.
Total budget: €39626500
Confirmed Financing: €14534500
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
Point of contact:
2019 American Film Showcase

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