
A Sentimental Journey to the Parajanov Planet
#history #experimental #creative #cinema #art
A Sentimental Journey to the Parajanov Planet (Сентиментальна подорож до планети Параджанова)
Documentary homage to Sergei Parajanov, a brilliant filmmaker and artist, on his 100 anniversary. Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the world of Parajanov, and witness the blend of unique archive material with surrealistic puppetry scenes, blurring the lines between imagination and reality.
#history #experimental #creative #cinema #art
Film Processing Factory
#observation #experimental #current_affairs #community #cinema #art #archives #activism #culture
In Development
Film Processing Factory (Цех Обробки Плівки)
Portrait of the Film Processing Center and of the people who were left in it. A casual time capsule that embodies the history of the Ukrainian film school. Is there hope for deconservation and preservation of memory?
#observation #experimental #current_affairs #community #cinema #art #archives #activism #culture
In Development
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
#war #observation #history #everyday_life #current_affairs #cinema #anthropology #culture
Friday, Saturday, Sunday (П'ятниця, субота, неділя)
The three-day journey in the film is full of the fragile humour of the festival team and the eager eyes of the audience.
#war #observation #history #everyday_life #current_affairs #cinema #anthropology #culture
Round Glasses
#war #road movie #observation #identity #everyday_life #cinema #anthropology
In Development
Round Glasses (Круглі окуляри)
A Ukrainian man travels abroad for the first time since the full-scale war to attend a film festival in Germany.
#war #road movie #observation #identity #everyday_life #cinema #anthropology
In Development