The association of key European documentary festivals nominated 16 documentaries by emerging filmmakers competing for this year's Award.
The Doc Alliance network of documentary film festivals supports emerging talents in European documentary film. Each of the seven member festivals (CPH:DOX, Doclisboa, DOK Leipzig, FIDMarseille, Ji.hlava IDFF, Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF and Visions du Réel) as well as this year’s guest festival Docudays UA have selected one short and one feature-length documentary film to compete for the 2024 Doc Alliance Award.
Full list of Best Feature nominees:
- Balomania, Denmark / Spain, director: Sissel Morell Dargis, nominated by CPH:DOXThe Gate, Germany, directors: Jasmin Herold and Michael David Beamish, nominated by DOK Leipzig
- In Limbo (W zawieszeniu), Poland / Ukraine, director: Alina Maksimenko, nominated by Millennium Docs Against Gravity
- Iron Butterflies (Залізні метелики), Ukraine / Germany, director: Roman Liubyi, nominated by Docudays UA
- The Landscape and the Fury (Landschaft und Wahn),Switzerland, director: Nicole Vögele, nominated by Visions du Réel
- Losing Faith (Die ängstliche Verkehrsteilnehmerin), Austria / Germany, director: Martha Mechow, nominated by FIDMarseille
- The Melusinas at the Edge of the River (As Melusinas à Margem do Rio),Portugal / Luxemburg, director: Melanie Pereira, nominated by Doclisboa
- You Will Never See It All (Chybění), Czech Republic / Slovakia, director: Štěpán Pech, nominated by Ji.hlava IDFF
Full list of Best Short nominees:
- Crushed, Belgium, director: Camille Vigny, nominated by Visions du Réel
- Finale, Denmark, director: Marlene Lyngstad, nominated by CPH:DOX
- getty abortions, Germany / Austria, director: Franzis Kabisch, nominated by DOK Leipzig
- Grandmamauntsistercat, Netherlands / Poland, director: Zuza Banasińska, nominated by Millennium Docs Against Gravity
- I Stumble Every Time I Hear From Kyiv (Щоразу затинаюся від звістки з Києва), Belgium / Ukraine / Portugal / Hungary, director: Daryna Mamaisur, nominated by Docudays UA
- Like the Glitch of a Ghost, Netherlands / Portugal, director: Paula Albuquerque, nominated by Doclisboa
- The Most Beautiful Corner in the World (Najkrajší kút v šírom svete), Slovakia, director: Róbert Mihály, nominated by Ji.hlava IDFF
- Smoke of the Fire (O fumo do fogo), Portugal / Ukraine / Belgium / Hungary, director: Daryna Mamaisur, nominated by FIDMarseille
The winning films will be decided by three film professionals: Olivia Cooper-Hadjian, programmer and film critic (Cahiers du cinéma), Beatrice Fiorentino, Artistic Director of Venice Film Critics’ Week, and Marko Grba Singh, filmmaker and the Artistic Director at Beldocs.
The Doc Alliance Award is endowed with 5,000 EUR (Best Feature) and 3,000 EUR (Best Short) for the filmmakers to spend on their next projects.
The winners will be presented at the award ceremony of 21st festival Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Kyiv.