The Blessed (Artists at war) (Блаженні)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Ukraine, Germany, Latvia
Web Page

Several Ukrainian artists and one filmmaker embark on a journey to seek an answer to once unimaginable question  what is the artist’s role in a war?

Overnight, a group of idiosyncratic Ukrainians from the world of art are thrown into the world of war. Whatever your art is, be it filmmaking, visual arts or restoring historic buildings, you must answer one question  what can you, as an artist, do when the world around you is burning and people are subjected to indescribable suffering? You have to adapt, transform yourself and make sense of that world in flames, but can you still do it through art? 

The filmmaker faces the same burning question and addresses that by documenting the journeys of his fellow artists.

Сo-production: Uldis Cekulis (Latvia) , Martin Roelly, Erik Winker (Germany)
Script: Andrii Lysetskyi, Rita Ruduša
DOP: Andrii Lysetskyi
Music: Mykyta Moiseiev
Total budget: €356292
Confirmed Financing: €356292
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian State Film Agency, Latvian Film Centre, MDR/ARTE (Germany), Film- und Medienstiftung NRW (Germany)
Pre-sold Territories: Germany, France, Baltic countries
Point of contact:
Particapant at Baltic Sea Docs in Riga(2022), Particapant at Nordisk Panorama (2022), Particapant at ARTE France Workshop for Ukrainian Documentaries (2023), Particapant at FIPADOC (2023), Screening at CEDOC MARKET. DOC LAB POLAND-UKRAINE during Krakow Film Festival (2023), Particapant at Dok Leipzig (2023)

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