Pearl of the Absurd (Перлина Абсурду)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
English, Russian, Ukrainian

Oleksandra’s attempts to save old Odesa from gentrification lead to a personal quest – a search for traces of her great-grandfather, executed by the Soviets in 1938.

Oleksandra loves her native city of Odesa as much as she hates it. She goes on a quest to find out how the Soviet crimes of the 1930s lead to the current destruction of the city. KGB archives that were never meant to be seen point to a field. There, under the ground, in a mass grave, Oleksandra’s great-grandfather might lie. Meanwhile, the old buildings – the only witnesses to those events – are fading away.

DOP: Illia Yehorov
Sound: Karina Rezhevska
Music: Antoni Kulka-Sobkowicz
Total budget: €53422
Confirmed Financing: €53422
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian State Film Agency, Ukraine
Point of contact:
Young Filmmakers for Peace at the goEast Film Festival, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2017; Young Europe, Ukraine-Poland, 2017; the Laboratory of Visual Culture (SUPSI) and Visions du Réel International Film Festival / Industry idw - interactive documentary workshop, Switzerland, 2018; ESoDoc, Bari, Italy, 2018; East Doc Interactive 2019, Prague, Czech Republic; Ukrainian Doc Preview at DocuDays UA 2020, Ukraine; Cannes Docs, Cannes Film Festival, 2020 (individual representative with Docudays UA support).

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