Kalinindorf (Калініндорф)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Ukrainian, Russian
Web Page

In the middle of the steppe in Kherson Region lies a railway station called Kalinindorf. In 1927, the “all-Union elder” Mikhail Kalinin came here to establish a Jewish National District.

In 1924, the Soviet government launched a campaign for the resettlement of Jews to the steppes of Southern Ukraine. The restoration of the Yiddish language and the new proletarian philosophy were at the centre of Ukrainian Jewish kolkhozes which were given ideological names. In the steppe between Dnipro and Kherson, as well as in the north of the Crimean Peninsula, five Jewish National Districts were created, employing more than 100,000 Jews. On 27 August 1941, Kalinindorf was occupied by the German army. Immediately after this, the Nazis began executing the Jews who didn’t evacuate in time.

DOP: Les Kasyanov
Sound: Les Kasyanov
Editing: Les Kasyanov
Total budget: € 10 000
Point of contact:
First-Time Filmmaker Sessions, Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival, OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival.

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