The film follows the daily lives of a handful of people living in Grozny, the capital of war-torn Chechnya. It revolves around four women who have been fighting for human rights under worsening conditions for many years but have become more and more disillusioned with the situation in Putin’s Russia. The building where they work is also home to a Blues Club that is frequented by a group of young people. With only vague memories of the Chechen wars in the 90s, they try to make sense of the strange things that are happening in their country.
Nicola Bellucci was born in 1963 in Arezzo, Italy. He studied philosophy, literature, and film at the University of Florence. In 1988 he obtained the directing diploma at the Istituto di Scienze Cinematografiche, Firenze. By 1992 he was working as an author and director of photography in Italy. Four years later, he moved to Basel, Switzerland, where he has lived ever since. In 2010 Nicola released his first documentary feature, Nel giardino dei suoni, which won numerous international awards.
Era la nostra fonte (1989), Do It (2001), Onoma (2002), Nel giardino dei suoni (2010)