
DOC/SADOC: ecologic Imaginarium

09 March 2017

Docudays UA invites you to the traditional event program for the youngest festival guests. Children’s space DOC/SADOC is a specially equipped room and a program full of active and educational events for children. DOC/SADOC coordinator Yulia Sobol talks about the plans of this year’s program.


Ecology is the main topic for the festival this year. Is the environment problem as far-fetched as leaders of certain countries think, or we really don’t have much time left for “carefree” life? How does our world’s ecology change and what can we change in the world to leave a suitable place for life to the next generations? Decisions on decreasing human impact on the environment are made not only on the global level, but also between us - in every family and in every house. We can live rationally and ecologically, and this year’s DOC/SADOC program convinces us that it can be fun and exciting.


This year we will talk about thoughtful approach to the natural resources, and why it is important to pay attention not only to what’s inside, but also to the packaging we use in our everyday life. We will learn to recognize different types of waste and practice sorting and even recycling it. We will talk about eco-villages and smart houses, healthy food and good habits. “Papers” progect will provide not only facts about ecology, but practical skills and understanding, how math, logic and foreign languages help develop careful attitude towards Earth.


Sorting bins for waste, batteries and plastic caps will be installed in the program zone; all the resources will be used carefully: recycled drawing paper, reusable signed paper cups for water. We invite everyone to join the reusing of books and games by donating them to the DOC/SADOC room.


Professional teachers from the center for early development Kangaroo Nursery School will look after the youngest children (3-6 years). Exciting and educational meetings and classes will wait for children of 6 to 12 years old. Attentive and artistic Maryna Nikolcheva, experienced in communication with childer of all ages, will keep them company there.


This year we will also experiment with documentary theatre. At our master classes teenagers of 10-14 years will work with autobiographical stories, use theatrical methods to interpret ecologic problems, research the city of Kyiv and build sketches for documentary performance from the collected material.


Registration for the course will open on the 15th of March. Full schedule of the master classes will soon be available at DOC/SADOC section and on the social media.

 6 — 13 
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