In Mongolia’s grasslands, filmmaker Zhao Liang witnesses the signs of controversial upheaval due to the aggressive modern economy. The film travels between documentary and narrative, stark truth and allegory, dream and reality. Filmed in breathtaking 4K by Zhao Liang himself, it is a feast of images, sounds and music, inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Liang Zhao was born in Northeastern China, and graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1992. Based in Beijing since 1993, Zhao has been working as an independent documentary filmmaker as well as a multimedia artist in photography and video art. His work has been exhibited in the International Center of Photography (New York), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), the Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid) and numerous other art galleries and museums around the world. With his unique vision and acute reflections on social issues and conditions, Zhao is at the frontier of documentary filmmaking in China today.
Selected: Crime and Punishment (2007), Petition (1996-2008), Together (2010)