Pawns in a life they did not choose, forced to become adults before their time. The emotional, mental and political world of Palestinian girls. Meet the third generation of the occupation.
Director: Ada Ushpiz
Producer: Ada Ushpiz
Cinematographer: Danor Glazer, Bilal Saed
Editor: Neta Braun
Sound: Aviv Aldema
Best Documentary Film at Jerusalem Film Festival (2020)

Ada Ushpiz
Since the 1970s Israeli filmmaker and journalist Ada Ushpiz has been writing, directing, and producing documentaries on the ambiguities of contemporary Israel and its social and historical surroundings. In 1970, she received her BA in philosophy and literature from the University of Tel Aviv, graduated with a diploma in Film Direction from the London Film School in 1974, and also holds a doctorate in history. From 1969 to 1999 she worked as a reporter and editor for Israel’s daily newspaper Ha’aretz.
Selected Filmography
Detained (2001);
Desert Brides (2008);
Good Garbage (2012);
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt (2015);
Children (2020)